Wednesday, 9 March 2022



Alternate fuel, is the thing scientists, administers and rulers searching since almost four decades,

Subsequently with much efforts that met with set backs and failures, now we are sensing a signs of land area after wandering through the vast ocean for long years.  Already we have developed systems that use electrical energy being stored in compact batteries that are powerful enough to make run the motor vehicles for long hours. Day by day the technologists are achieving improvement in durability, efficiency with reduction in recharge time.

But the real breakthrough in this scenario is the success in the production of hydrogen gas from throw away materials.  The plastic menace is being considered as the major polluting factor of the current time.  It polluted water,  land and air by various means. If we become successful in converting this killing mass to eco-friendly, energy supplier and at the same time reduces the deadly accumulation of plastic and other inorganic wastes, is there any other glad news.

This dream is going to be a reality as the UAE government start the construction of ‘waste to hydrogen plant’ with the Chinook's award winning RODECS® technology, is the world’s only universal thermal treatment system, that uses Active Pyrolysis® process. As per chinookscience  “ Combining both pyrolysis and gasification the RODECS® system is able to process a very wide range of organic feedstock. The cutting edge proprietary process does not require any form of pre-sorting or pre-processing which adds considerably to the economic strengths of the system.” 

From the waste hydrocarbons being breaks down through advanced thermal treatment to release and recover green hydrogen.  The green hydrogen in turn will only emits water when used in vehicles. So it doesn’t’ damage the environment in contrary to fossil fuels, due to that the ecosystem is in threat largely.  


The production of green hydrogen is supposed to be much less expensive than that of petroleum fuels. The plant will be located near to the fuel stations and can avoid the huge expense of gas transportation

Further details pls. click

Monday, 28 February 2022


As we are aware, crypto currencies like BITICOIN are gaining popularity day by day, one may wonder suddenly how the alternative money exchange system come in to existence.  Comparatively new technology called block chains are behind the facilitation of crypto currencies.  Block chains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a block chain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

For further details please click below


Sunday, 6 February 2022



The new material is a two-dimensional polymer that self-assembles into sheets, unlike all other polymers, which form one-dimensional. Scientists believed they can’t go for two -Dimensional until now.

Such a material could be used as a lightweight, durable coating for car parts or cell phones, or as a building material for bridges or other structures, means it’s a big break-through for achieving big tasks in the manufacturing industry.

For further details click the below link :

Polymer 2 Dimensional

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The Finger Print


Finger prints , one of the billions of wonders being seen with the creation of living beings. 

What is finger print ?  fingerprint is a mark left behind after the ridges on the fingers, hands, toes or feet touch an object. Finger prints are unique and there are no identical finger prints exists among humans. 

The widely believed matter the finger prints are the peculiarity of humans is wrong.

Primates like, Gorilla, Orangutan and chimpanzee also possess the finger prints and are identical with each member.  The only animal existing with finger prints other than primate is Koala,  that also have finger prints on their limbs. Isn't  astonishing?? 

For further details you may visit