US based
Blue Robtics have succeeded in developing
a version of “under water GoPro”
to explore the sea or ocean with out wetting your body.
The remote controlled water drone can reach
up to 100M depth to take pics and videos.
The device is being connected with a computer placed at land by a cable controlled by
Qground control app. The unit also
comprises an open-source Pixhawk autopilot, along with a Rasperry Pi microcomputer.

powerful LED s will light up the path if the water is turbulent.
The water
drone aimed at “universities. Research organization, small business, hobbyists
ROV’s battery pack is currently good for about one hour of heavy use or up to
four hours of lighter duty. The whole
unit weighs up to 10 Kg and 100-m tether adds around 4.5 Kg more.
Videos are
captured either an SD or HD (1080p/30 fps) onboard camera and is visible at
users laptop at an interval of 200 milliseconds.
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