Thursday 15 February 2018


The study of biology is supposed to be not complete without relating each species with the principles of evolution.  The lobbying for the evolution has been so profound and students of each batch of life science class become so obsessed with the concept of evolution.
Charles Darwin has been considered as the Godfather of the concept of evolution. We can’t deny that Charles Darwin have made a clear demarcation in the study of origin of species. The people or biologists were unable to counter the shock created by Charles Darwins theories.  Because he was so clever to cover the vulnerable findings that might have otherwise to be considered as the proofs against Darwin’s assumptions.
Later number of biologists themselves came forward to challenge the Darwin’s theories.
They not only put forward several questions to counter evolution of man from monkeys, but also made successful challenges in fossil dating.  They have been raising serious concerns over the vulnerability of Radiometric dating.  The  natural phenomenon like volcanic eruption will affect the uranium lead ratio, even the rays from sun can affect this composition.  So the claims of the evolutionists that human race have been evolved through millions of years and the human also dates back to millions of years is turning to be just as assumptions.


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